Xee Keygen

Assembly Language Tutorial
Please choose a tutorial page:
  • Fundamentals -- Information about C
  • Example 1 -- SC CDKey Initial Verification
  • Example 2 -- SC CDKey Shuffle
  • Example 2b -- SC CDKey Final Decode
  • The Stack
  • Example 3 -- Storm.dll SStrChr
  • Example 4 -- Smashing the Stack
  • Example 5 -- Cracking a game
  • Example 6 -- Writing a keygen
  • Example 7 -- Writing a cheat for Starcraft (1.05)
    • Example 7 Step 1 -- Displaying Messages
    • Example 7 Step 1b -- Above, w/ func ptrs
  • Example 8 -- Getting IX86.dll files
  • Example 9 -- Keygen for a 16-bit game
  • Example 10 -- Writing a loader

I found a related question that suggested I run ssh-keygen -R host to replace the key in my knownhosts file - once I did that, I got a new error: (, SSHException('No hostkey for host abc.com found.' ,), ) No hostkey for host abc.com found. Automated workflow for deployment is a great tool that every software development team must have. The release process, when it is fast, secure and fault tolerant, can save time for developing more great things. And the good news that there are many great tools for creating an automated release cycle. In this article, I’m going to introduce you a deployment tool called Deployer. Aug 16, 2020 iMyFone LockWiper 7.1 Crack + Serial Key Full Version Setup. IMyFone LockWiper 7.1 Crack: If you have an iPhone, there’s a little change that you locked yourself out by forgetting a freshly changed passcode or trying too many combinations with minimum effort, which renders the phone unusable for a while. Dutch Reformed Church, 134 Grand StreetHERITAGE SITES A. Davis’ 1835 Dutch Reformed Church was designed and begun during his brief association with New England architect Russell Warren. Contribute to openam-jp/openam development by creating an account on GitHub. Dismiss Join GitHub today. GitHub is home to over 40 million developers working together to host and review code, manage projects, and build software together.

This is what this entire tutorial has been building up to: writing a cheat for a game!

I have chosen the simplest cheat I can think of that demonstrates most of the concepts I've attempted to teach: displaying a notification whenever a player spends minerals in Starcraft.

This demonstration will use Starcraft 1.05. There are two reasons:

  • So it can't easily be translated to modern versions, which should avoid pissing off Blizzard.
  • Because the newer versions break TSearch, and I don't really want to find/write another memory searcher.

Two locations need to be found:

  • The function that can be called to display messages on-screen.
  • The function that is called when minerals are spent.

Creating the .dll

This .dll will be written in Microsoft Visual Studio and injected with my Injector.

Here's how to create the .dll (this works in Visual Studio 2005):

  • Run Visual Studio.
  • Create a new project.
  • Choose 'Win32 Console Application' and give it a name.
  • In the wizard, set the application type to 'DLL'.
  • Disable 'Precompiled header' (you don't have to, but I prefer to).

I generally start by removing all the crap that Visual Studio adds, then I add a switch over the two conditions I care about. Here's the starting code:

This should compile into a .dll file, which can be injected/ejected (though it does nothing).

Displaying Messages

Finding the function to call is always tricky. It goes back to the same principle as finding the place to crack a game: you have to find a starting point, and trace your way to the appropriate function. Depending on the game, this could be significantly difficult.

Some ways to do this might be:

  • Searching for messages you see on the screen.
  • Typing a message, searching in memory for it, and pressing enter.
  • Figuring out how events in Use Map Settings games work.

The first message I think of that's displayed on-screen is chat messages from other players, which look like 'player: message'. Another common chat message is '[team] player: message'. That seems like a good place to start looking.

In IDA, load Starcraft.exe and wait till it finishes analysis. Then go to the strings window/tab and search (by typing it in) for '[', and the first result is '[%s] %s: %s'. Anybody who knows C format strings will know that, in a format specifier, %s indicates a string. Since we have a reasonable idea of how strings work, we can guess that '%s: %s' would be a normal message, so we search for that and double-click it.

The address of that string should be 0x004F2AE0. If it's not, you might be on the wrong version of Starcraft, which should be fine. Just remember that the addresses I provide may not be right.

On that address, press ctrl-x. There's only one cross reference, at sub_004696C0+105, so double-click that. We see that this string is a function call, shown here:

Anybody well-versed in C will likely recognize this as a call to snprintf(). The first variable, ecx, is the buffer. Then 100h is the length, aSS_2 ('%s: %s') is the format string, and the two string that are substituted for %s are eax and (not shown here) edi.

Since ecx is a volatile variable, it's likely going to change after the function call, which means that this code won't be reliant on the value. If we look above, we can find where ecx is loaded with the buffer:

Note that the frame pointer isn't being used here, but that IDA still managed to name the local variable. Click on var_100, press 'n', and call it 'buffer'.

On the line before, you should see:

This is the first string parameter that will be substituted, which means it corresponds to the first %s, which is the player's name. Presumably 'esi' is the player number. This will be important later.

Click on the 'buffer' variable you defined to highlight all instances of it, then scroll down. You'll eventually see the buffer put into ecx right before a function call, which indicates a __fastcall function. If you double-click on that function and scroll way down to the bottom, you'll find the return is:

So now we know that it's a __fastcall with two stack parameters, so a total of four parameters.

Press 'Esc' to get back.

Looking at edx, we see that it gets its value from ebx, and involves a subtraction. If you follow ebx up the function, you'll see that esi is derived from it, so presumably ebx is or involves the player number. For now, we'll ignore that, and set it to 0.

The first stack parameter (that is, the last one pushed) is 'eax'. Remember that eax is the return variable. The function GetTickCount() is called just above the push, then 0x1B58 is added to the result. Right-click on the 0x1B58 to see the variable in different forms. In decimal, it's '7000'. That's a much better number, so click on that.

GetTickCount() returns the number of milliseconds that Windows has been running. Adding 7000 milliseconds, or 7 seconds, creates the time it will be in 7 seconds. Messages in Starcraft stay on the screen for roughly 7 seconds, so presumably this parameter is the time for a message to stop displaying.

Finally, the last stack parameter is 0. That's nice and easy!

As for the return value, eax isn't used after the function call, so there may not be a return value. We won't worry about it.

So now we can define the function this way:

It's not necessary here, but for education, do the following:

  • Double-click on the display function (sub_469380)
  • Scroll up, and click on the function's name
  • Press 'n', and call it 'DisplayMessage'
  • Press 'y', and define it as shown above (don't forget the semicolon).
  • Press 'Esc' to get back to where the function is called.

If you're using a modern version of IDA (support for __fastcall started fairly late), you'll see that the parameters to this function are commented now.

Of course, we have to test it works, now. We already have a .dll that can be loaded, so we'll add a function to it. Here's the function:

Then to test, add a call to this function from DLL_PROCESS_ATTACH in DllMain(), and you're ready to test your first hack!

To test this:

  • Run Starcraft
  • Start a single player game (if you had the newest version, this would work in multiplayer too)
  • Alt-tab out
  • Run injector.exe
  • Tell it to inject in the 'Starcraft' window, and give it the full path to the .dll file
  • Press 'Inject'
  • Go back into the game
  • Hopefully your message will be waiting!

Click here for the full code.

Another option that I've started using more recently is to use a function pointer:

Click here for the full code using a function pointer.

Mineral Spending

We're going to use TSearch to track down the function called when a user spends minerals.

Xee Keygen 2016

This is very simple to do, and requires only a memory search (with TSearch) on the address of your minerals. That will lead you back to the code that can be patched, which means your hack will know every time minerals are spent. You should be able to do this on your own, based on what you learned in 'Memory Searching', but here's the Starcraft-specific way:

  • Start a game of Starcraft against the computer, but don't start mining.
  • Alt-tab out, run TSearch, and attach it to Starcraft.
  • Search (in the left pane) for '50', 4 bytes (minerals can go over 65000).
  • Go back to the game, and mine one chunk of minerals.
  • Go back to TSearch, and search for '58'.
  • Go to Starcraft and buy an SCV/Drone/Probe.
  • Go back to TSearch and search for '8'
  • Repeat until you're down to two or three results
  • Test the one at address 0x006xxxxx by changing it, go back to the game, and watch your minerals fall back to where they were. If you don't see one at this address, don't worry. It's only the display number.
  • Test the one at 0x004xxxxx, and watch your minerals stay constant.
  • Double-click on the good value
  • Under the 'AutoHack' menu choose 'Enable Debugger'
  • Right-click on the row in the right pane, and click 'AutoHack'
  • Under the 'AutoHack' menu, choose 'AutoHack Window'
  • Go back into the game, and spend some minerals
  • Take a look at the 'AutoHack Window', you should see exactly one result. If you harvested some money first, you'll see more, but use the last one.

By now, you should have determined that your minerals are stored at or near 0x004FEE5C, and the address where the minerals changed should be 0x0040208F.

So load up Starcraft.exe in IDA and jump down to 0x0040280F. You should see a function that looks like this (I've indicated the line where your minerals are written):

This function is pretty straight forward, although it does something weird: it preserves ecx. I don't know why that happens.

On the second line, cl (part of ecx) is used, so we know this is __fastcall. edx is overwritten, so we know that this function has one parameter. Note that the one parameter is used as an array index into the array that stores your mineral count. It is pretty safe to assume that this is an array index.

To summarize this function:

  • Store ecx's lowest byte in var_1
  • Get rid of the top 3 bytes of eax (if the mov had been movzx, this would have automatically happened).
  • Shift eax two bits left. This has the same affect as multiplying by 4, which likely means it's an index into an array of 4-byte values
  • Use eax as an index into two arrays, and subtract them from each other. We know the first is our minerals, the second is unknown, but it should be obvious that the second is the amount you're spending.
  • Put the new value, after the subtraction, back into the array.
  • Move another variable into edx, and subtract it from yet another variable.

The usage of this function is pretty obvious, so we can go ahead and write the patch!

The Wrapper

The best place I see to patch is right after 0x0040208F. At this point, the variables all contain useful values:

  • eax = 4 * player number
  • ecx = the amount spent
  • edx = the new mineral total

Here's the patch we want to make, and I've assigned everything machine code from a handy dandy reference (IDA):

Or, in a C string:

The Patch

This is mostly taken from the section on .dll injection, with a small modification to the machine code wrapper to add some pushes, and to the hack function to support the three parameters:

Add the Display Function

I wrote the function to display text earlier on this page. Now would be a good time to add that to the project. At the same time, add a few calls to it that'll display what's going on:

Finishing Touches

That function will display a nice notification when a player spends minerals, but only the numeric player number is given, which isn't especially helpful.

Recall that, while looking for the display function, we found the array of player names. Here's the code that prepares the message:

The first parameter is ecx, which is an empty buffer. The second parameter, 0x100, is the size of the buffer. The third parameter is the format string, '%s: %s', indicating the the last two parameters are the username and the message.

The fourth parameter is eax. The eax comes from dword_6509E3[esi], which means that esi is indexing into an array in memory. So from there, we can look above and figure out where esi came from:

Going to the top of the function, we see that ebx was a parameter, and is compared to 8. Since a Starcraft game can have up to 8 players, it's reasonable to assume that ebx is the player number. Therefore, we need to emulate these three lines:

Which can easily be done like this:

Which reduces to simply:

Recall that, in the assembly function, the player number is shifted left twice. That means that, to get the proper number here, we have to right-shift it twice before we use it:

Adding that to our code, we get this completed hack:

In Action!

Here's a screenshot of the plugin in action:


Feel free to edit this section and post questions, I'll do my best to answer them. But you may need to contact me to let me know that a question exists.

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Automated workflow for deployment is a great tool that every software development team must have. The release process, when it is fast, secure and fault tolerant, can save time for developing more great things. And the good news that there are many great tools for creating an automated release cycle.

In this article, I’m going to introduce you a deployment tool called Deployer. I like to use it because it is written in PHP, is easy to set up, and has many handy features to integrate the deployment process into your team’s workflow.

The Deployment Process With Deployer

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First of all, let’s see the structure of the deployment process with Deployer. It consists of three main parts: a deploy server to init deployment, a production or staging server to host your application, and a git repository to store the code of your application.

When you init a deploy process, you run a deployment script on the deploy server. After this, the deploy server connects to the production server with SSH and does the maintenance things from the production server like cloning the code from a git repository, updating Composer’s dependencies, and other stuff you need in order to have a successful release.

For everyone to be trusted in this chain, we will create and install SSH certificates to the servers and repository.

Install SSH Certificates

We need to create an SSH authentication key on a production server and share it to a git repository. If you don’t have any SSH authentication keys on your deploy server, run ssh-keygen and follow the instructions. Keygen will create a public key in a file ~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub.

Now you can install it to the account of your repository. If you don’t know how to do it, look at the example of GitHub from the related links at the bottom of the article, or ask your repository hosting service for help.

Also, it is better to create an SSH key on your deploy server to get trusted on the production machine. Use these commands to make a passwordless SSH connection between the deploy and production servers.

With all certificates installed, we are ready to install Deployer.

Install Deployer

The installation of Deployer is as easy as the installation of Composer. You need to download PHP Archive and make it a global command:

Let’s check the version of Deployer to see if everything is installed correctly:

Everything looks great, and we are ready to create our first deployment script.

Make the First Deployment Script

To initialize Deployer for your project, run dep init. This will execute a utility to generate a deployment script, which will ask you for a project type and repository link and will create the deploy.php file in the current directory. Let’s have a look at this file and the main functions that are used in a recipe.

The functions set and get work with the configuration values, and a shortcut of a getter can be used with a run command:

Each configuration value can be overridden for each host. We can set up a deploy path and SSH user for our application in our deploy script:

To define your own tasks, use the task function and run to run a command on the production server:

And then run it with dep and the function name as a param:

Now you can look through the deploy file and change all the needed params to the configuration of your application.

Deploy to Production

We have already installed Deployer, installed SSL certificates to the deploy and production servers, and made the deployment script, so finally it is time to pull it all together and make the first deployment to production.

To deploy your application, just call dep deploy:

If something has gone wrong, you can roll back to the previously deployed version in just one step:

Looks easy, doesn’t it?

Now let’s check what was created on our production server. Thanks to Deployer, we can do this easily with shortcut commands. Try dep ssh to connect to a server directly using the configuration from the deployment script, or remotely execute a command via SSH tunnel with dep run. Also, this command supports variables that we have set in the script.


So let’s have a look at the deploy path:

The main thing is the releases directory, where Deployer stores the last versions of our application. After each successful deploy or rollback, it links current to the enabled release. Finally, we have a shared directory, which stores files and folders from the shared_dirs and shared_files that we have set in the script file.

On the first deployment, Deployer will copy those files to a shared dir and create a link from the releases dir to the shared dir. The next time, it will just add a link from the release files to the files and folders in the shared directory. Also, you can change any file in a shared directory and Deployer will keep it without changes on each deploy—for example, this is useful for configuration files.

Xee Keygen Software

In addition, if you have a composer.json file in the root of your repository, Deployer will call Composer to create a vendor directory and update all needed dependencies. If you don’t store the Composer file in the root directory, you can create a custom task to update it.

And now it is time to integrate the application deploy to our processes.

Add a Custom Task

Every team has its own deploy configurations and process to automate, so Deployer has easy tools to extend the standard configuration and add custom tasks. For example, your hosting may have the rule to store applications and webroot in different places, with no rights to change the configuration of Apache or Nginx.

But there is a way to get over this rule—use symbolic links. So we will add a task for this:

And then add it to the main deploy task as part of a release cycle:

Now run the deploy script again and check if everything is correct with dep ssh.

Third-Party Recipes

Deployer has many recipes to integrate with third parties that can extend the basic functionality. We can use Composer to install them:

I like to use the Slack notification recipe. To enable it, we should go to the Slack recipe page, click the Add to Slack button, and select the channel to send notifications. Then we will get the Slack webhook and add this code to deployment.

After these changes, Deployer will send a message like this to the deploy channel:

Now you can add your team to the channel so everyone who’s involved can be notified.


In this tutorial we have installed Deployer and created a deploy script that can be used to deploy our application from a git repository to a production or staging server in just one click.

Also, it can be integrated into team processes—for example, an application can be deployed automatically after changes in the master branch and notification can be made on a Slack channel about successful deployment.

If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to ask questions in the comments to the article.

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Further Reading and Related Links